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Twoja reklama tutaj, wytarczy że dodasz nową kampanię reklamową w Polsce Webmaster aby Twoja reklama się wyświetlała na określone słowa kluczowe. Teraz dostaniesz do 1000 zł za darmo na reklamę..

CAMIL – Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

- Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CAMIL is a center of excellence in gathering researchers practitioners with comprehensive experience ranging from

Mission – CAMIL

- Artificial Intelligence considered as a merely academic field just decade ago is now transformative in its impact on science business industry and society It has become m

Scientist of the future – CAMIL

- Prof Agnieszka Ławrynowicz a CAMIL member was nominated to the award Scientist of future 2022 in category Research future for execution project Development Technology bas

News & Events – CAMIL

- Prof Agnieszka Ławrynowicz a CAMIL member was nominated to the award Scientist of future 2022 in category Research future for execution project Development Technology bas

Project “Artificial Intelligence in analysis and modeling big medical datasets and in diagnosis and medical therapy” funded – CAMI

- Artificial Intelligence in analysis and modeling big medical datasets diagnosis therapy a project led by Prof Krzysztof Krawiec CAMIL member officially received funding f

Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence Leader wanted! – CAMIL

- Poznan University of Technology as Host Institution in ARTIQ Competition is currently looking for candidates the position Artificial Intelligence Center Excellence Leader

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Reklamy Bajkowa

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